Luau Wonderland

SONG: Bring Me The List of Singers


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You’re late.

No, I said “Luau”, not…

Never mind.

Just keep up.

The roaring fire. Pulsating tribal drums. Frenetic swooshing of grass skirts. All staples of the famous Hawaiian Luau.

And exactly the reason we don’t have any of that in Wonderland.

It’s another copyright thing.

But… we do have singers.

LOTS of singers.

Lots of really, really good singers.

And while they may not be in grass skirts, their playing card ensembles are very fetching. And the rhythmic pulse of the shuffling cards is enough to get the blood going in even the most no fun of no-funsters.

C’mon. Turn that frown upside down.

We’re gonna roast IMPOSSIBLE PORK, 100% plant-based “meat”, lovingly shaped to resemble a PIG.

And the party always gets crazy.

Listen to Bring Me The List of Singers.

Listen… and swoosh that grass skirt around.
We even have tiny umbrellas for those drinks.

✧ Read Me

Bring Me The List of Singers
Music + Lyrics by Kevin Saunders Hayes

Do Sol Do Do
Do Sol Do Do
Do Sol Do Do
Do Sol Do Do
Do Sol Do Do
Ti Fa Ti,  La Re Mi La Re Mi La Re Mi
Do Sol Do Do
Ti Fa Ti, Sol Do Re Sol Do Re Sol Do 

Try and catch my meaning
So this maybe bares repeating
Sing it
Off with your head
Off with your head
Don’t trifle with the treacle
If you wanna see the sequel
Sing it
Off with your head
Off with your head
Off with your head
Off with your head

Look make it easy
A little sleazy in your backup singer routine
Sha na na na oo oo oo
Explicitly clean
With that part in between
That your mom thinks is kind of obscene 

What is up with your Mom?

Do Re Mi Fa Re Mi La Re Mi
Do Do Do Re
Twinkle, twinkle little bat
Where you at
Do Do Fa Re

Do Re Mi Fa Re Mi La Re Mi
Do Do Do Re
Twinkle, twinkle small bat
Do Do Do Re
Like a tea tray
Do Do Fa Re

Look, make it easy
A little sleazy in your backup singer routine
Oo, oo, baby, baby
Explicitly clean
With that part in between

That your mom thinks is kind of obscene
Seriously, what is up with your mom?

Twinkle, twinkle, small bat
What the hell are you at
High you fly, like a tea tray in the sky

Off with your head
Off with your head
Twinkle, twinkle, small bat
Like a tea tray

Okay, that’s it for today.

Tomorrow is our last day, so

We gotta schedule!