Look. Be nice to this coming year. It totally can’t help how badly its siblings have acted.
Don’t like to read? No problem. Click the video to hear this email read to you by Victoria.
For those of you that can read, let’s continue shall we?
And listen, I shouldn’t do this, but… I can tell you how to have good luck all year long. How? If you Download IF THE KEY FITS, the 1st single from AliƧin.
Don’t you want to win the lottery?
Good luck all year for A BUCK! Where else can you get that!?
Don’t be cheap this year. |
Dude. What’s in it for me?
Really!? GOOD LUCK! WINNING THE LOTTERY! You are so ungrateful.
Bottomline it for me
- The Lotto’s at like 200 million.
- 1 buck. It’s cheaper than buying one of those waving cats.
- It’s cool music (it is too).
- Help a guy out.
Okay, that’s it. I’m not gonna get all mushy.
See ya’ ~ Kevin
p.s. Our website is like winning the lotto of love. The “socials” have no idea what that means.