Do you have to “Get Small” in Wonderland? 🐰🍸
August 9, 2022


Say what you will about New Yorker’s (and Lord knows a lot has been said about them, and most of it’s true, but who asked you anyway loser!?) Sorry…

And while there maybe a little less profanity in The WonderHood (and only marginally less), the thing New Yorkers understand the importance of, or if not understand, they appreciate (if that’s something New Yorker’s did) is… space. I mean, have you been to New York? There are building’s like everywhere, except this little patch of green in the middle of all the madness (and thank goodness, ‘cuz the rabbit hole is *not* through those sewers again), and everybody lives on top of each other.

It’s excessive. Sort of a reverse Wonderland where everything goes up instead of down. I guess that’s why Wonderlandians have a secret admiration for The Big Apple. It’s excessive and weird and you never quite know what you’re gonna get. Feels like home.

So, New Yorkers understand the importance of space, and Wonderlandians appreciate that (if that’s something they did), and are experienced at making a mountain out of a mole hill. I know, it’s probably not the way you’re supposed to use that metaphor, but it actually works in a Wonderland kind of way. Because space is “fluid” in The Hood. It’s not small, and it’s not big either. It’s sort of what it needs to be, when it needs to be it.

Yeah, I know. Stay with me.

So, like being in New York, you just have to kind of go with it. Some days’ you’re up, you’re down, you’re over, you’re out… you know what I mean. And jamming all those people onto that tiny island is hard. You only got so much space (it’s on something called an island), and so space is at a premium.

We tried to let them in on the whole “fluid, what it needs to be thing”, but they told us to go… well, I’m not even sure how one does that, but they said they weren’t interested.

“But”, you say interrupting my train of thought, “do you have to “Get Small” in Wonderland.” Technically, “no”, but we included the image above as an example of what happens when you don’t.

It also happens to people who aren’t flexible and can’t let go and let it be, when it needs to be it.

That’s why we offer DRINK ME JUICE DO’S AND DON’TS on The Ultimate AliƧin Wonderland Tour. Yep, we guide you through the usually newbie pitfalls, and you’ll be getting small like a pro in no time.

The Ultimate AliƧin Wonderland Tour, think of it as one of those double decker bus tours of New York. You get to take in all the sights, and you don’t have to explain to your kids what those words mean.

Dude, “forget about it” and what’s in it for me?

No, I am not gonna eat a hot dog out of one of those carts.

Bottomline it for me

– Space, the final frontier.

– We tried to nickname Wonderland “The Big Schroom” – didn’t take.

– How *would* you do that anyway?

– DRINK ME JUICE responsibly

That’s it. I’m not gonna get all mushy.

See ya ~ Kevin

p.s. The website is serving a lovely flight of DRINK ME JUICE for you to sample. The socials are cut off until they sober up.



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