I say it’s my birthday
December 6, 2023


I do say it’s my birthday. And it is. Today is my actual birthday. Well the actual birthday was 68 years ago, but who the hell can even count that high, let alone remember the fireworks display and three days of drunken partying that took place in Lexington, Kentucky?

Like many parties since, I can’t remember any of it, but I’m told everyone had a good time.

Don’t like to read? Victoria reads this email to you!

What’s on my birthday wish list? You know, the uszh. World peace, the New York City Council permanently making 51st a walking street so the sirens will just stop already, and of course the wish that I don’t ghost you, and will be around to write you another one of these missives on my 69th birthday.

Now this is the place where birthday celebrators usually go astray, and go into a laundry list of things and people and places they’re grateful for. Or they give you a big long list of all the important stuff they accomplished that year, or the famous people they got birthday wishes from, or the amazing meal they had at the newest celebrity chef restaurant.

But… I’m not doing that. Not because I don’t have a bunch of lists, but because who wants to read that crap anyway. My friend Emily always writes an end of the year “wrap up” and hers is the only one I’ll read. It’s smart, funny, poignant, witty and clever. Emily sets a damn high bar and I offered to pay her to write all that crap here for me, but after leaving 6 or 7 messages… I figured she was busy.

Maybe she’ll help a guy out on his 69th.

So what do you get a music nerd, movie geek, comic book fan and fantasy lover? I mean, in case you fell upon the perfect gift for the man who has everything. It probably wouldn’t be world peace, but if you wrapped it nicely, I’d suck it up and look grateful.

No you don’t have to get me anything. You can think about it this year, cuz 69 is really old, and you should really get me something while you still can. Just sayin’.

Anyway, IΒ got *you* something for my birthday! Unfortunately, it is not world peace, but hopefully it will bring you a little joy. I love making stuff. I make it cuz it brings me joy, and I share it with you cuz it brings me even greater joy.

Here is your Exclusive Birthday Audio Bundle featuring a bunch of the music I’ve written. I’m pretty good at this music thing, and with all modestly I gotta say… this is some damn fine stuff. It’s music from a few of the shows I’ve created. Each one whisks you off for a cool adventure in an amazing world.

I even made a digital booklet to give you a little info about the world you’re in.

Happy Birthday. Enjoy. Share. Raise a glass and say something the kids can hear about me. Write to the New York City Council, and let’s all work on that world peace thing.

Now download your Exclusive Birthday Audio Bundle and let’s party like it’s 2023.

That’s it. I’m not gonna get all mushy.

See ya ~ Kevin

p.s. The website brought me a lovely red velvet cake with one beautiful candle in the center. The socials almost burned the place down trying to get all those candles on my cake.




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