Is candy corn an acceptable sugar substitute in tea? ☕️🐰 🫣
October 4, 2022


It’s October.

Don’t you hate emails that start by stating the obvious? It’s like, “Really? What makes you think in this day and age that I’m not painfully aware that it is now October?”

It’s just lazy writing… Anyway, it’s October. It’s that dreaded of all months when the heat comes on in your building and you can’t do a thing about it, and you’re kind of glad it did ‘cuz it’s too freaking cold.

And… it’s the month when the debate continues as to whether candy corn is an acceptable substitute for a lump of sugar in your tea. Hey, candy corn is pure sugar, so… other than it turning your tea a freakish color (which isn’t a negative)… what’s the harm?

It’s also the month when, as if it weren’t annoying enough, The Cat yells “Boo!” every time he suddenly appears behind you or over your head or in the bathroom. Yep, 31 days of Halloween bliss.

magical lands


Magical lands. Action-packed adventures. Good vs Evil. Annoying cats. Sure, we have all that here in the WonderHood, and, not to brag or anything, but we happen to be in “The Benevolent Lodge of All Places Magical, Cool and Hard to Find” (I didn’t name it), and they have these monthly mixers, so we’re pretty much on a first name basis with almost all of the other magical places.

So, other than bragging (not that I am), why do I bring this up?

Because they’re starting to loosen up on travel restrictions (kind of an EU thing), and because you know us (well, me), I’m pretty sure we can make an excursion or two happen before too long.

It’s sort of like , which I know I said I wouldn’t mention again, but it was such a good analogy, as well as another excuse to add to the email.

But first we gotta get through Halloween, with all it’s candy corn and annoying cat booing. Let’s just focus on that, shall we?

And look, don’t TP The Hookah Guy’s Schroom this year. Last year it caught on fire and it freaked him out, and he eats when he’s stressed. And if you’ll remember, he ate TWO pieces of EAT ME CAKE, grew scary tall, crushed his schroom and we almost ran out of candy corn when he got the munchies.

No, that is not funny. Wipe that smile off your face…

Dude, is that candy corn and what’s in it for me? No, I did not tell The Cat to do that. Of course I don’t have a smile on my face.

Don’t like to read? No problem. Click the video and hear Victoria read to you. Watch Time 2:20

For those of you that can read, let’s continue shall we?

Bottomline it for me

  • It’s October.
  • Magical lands. Action-packed adventures. Good vs Evil… ah…
  • Annoying cats. Just 26 more days.
  • “The Benevolent Lodge of All Places Magical, Cool and Hard to Find” It’s not very singable. ?
  • Saying “excursion” makes even a trip to Trader Joe’s sound fancy.

That’s it. I’m not gonna get all mushy.

See ya’ ~ Kevin

p.s. The is a wonderful excursion. The socials will just wrap you in TP.

p.p.s. Whenever you’re ready, here are some more cool ways you can play along:



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