National Barbie Day ??‍♀️
March 9, 2022


Barbie in the sky with diamonds

I know. You’ve had “Addicted to Love” stuck in your head all week, right? “The lights are on…” (please make it stop).

So you know with a headline like National Barbie Day, that I sat at the computer for a good 45 minutes hoping the caffeine would kick in and the muse would bless me with yet another hi-larious take on something or other to help buoy our spirits and propel us like a juggernaut into our weekend fun. (Okay, you’re probably not looking to the weekly email to do that, but it’s my little corner of Wonderland and that’s what I’m goin with.)

So, the muse being the heavy partier that they are, was still sleeping it off, and I was left to my own devices and Google to figure this out. So, March 9th. Must be a holiday, right? Everyday is a holiday somewhere.

Now #NationalGetOverItDay almost won, because it totally sounds like some random craziness I’d make up (and yes, I am looking for the t-shirt). National Peanut Cluster Day. A very, very close second, because, duh. National Meatball Day? National Crab Meat Day? Seriously. These are holidays that someone has decorations for in their garage.

Don’t like to read? No problem. Click the video and hear Victoria read to you.
Watch Time 3:11

For those of you that can read, let’s continue shall we?

But, then the magic of Google did not fail me. The internet gnomes knew that I would settle for nothing but the best for you. All of you (even you), and in the nano second it took for the page to load in my browser I knew that I was going to bring you NATIONAL BARBIE DAY ??‍♀️

Check it out. Barbie was born March 9, 1959. We are not going to dwell on the fact that I’m older than Barbie, but do you know Barbie’s full name? You do not. But now you will. It’s Barbara Millicent Roberts. Pinky swear.

And she was the sole sponsor of the Mickey Mouse Club and, the people who estimate things, estimate that over a billion Barbie dolls have been sold worldwide in over 150 countries. (It’s gotta be more).

All that’s well and good, but Barbie holds a special place here at HQ (it’s Batcave themed). Why you ask? Because our co-founder, Victoria Levy is the singing voice of Barbie! No, she is, really. She even has her own doll. No, we don’t get a commission, so knock yourself out. Only 1 left in stock!

That’s it. Wear pink. And this week, you will definitely not be able to get this song out of your head.​

Dude. Dolls? What the hell’s in it for me?

Says the guy who has those crazy plastic Trolls stuffed in the couch cushions.

Bottomline it for me

  • The Barbie Glam Convertible is not comfortable ?
  • The Dream House ? has a ridiculous mortgage
  • And a terrible interest rate
  • Ken’s got a cool Mini Cooper but really bad hair

That’s it. I’m not gonna get all mushy.

See ya’ ~ Kevin

p.s. We painted the website pink in honor of today. The socials have a weird Troll mobile hanging in the corner.

p.p.s. The world’s largest Barbie Museum is (of course) in Victoria’s hometown of Montreal.



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