Please do not tell people how crappy my teeth are
June 20, 2023


That’s an actual x-ray of my teeth. If you know anything about dentistry, please keep it to yourself and do not tell the other’s how crappy my teeth are. 

I had to have a root canal done recently. Now, if you’re of a certain age, you may be surprised to know that one doesn’t just “go to the dentist” anymore. Back in the day, you went to the dentist. They’d look in your mouth and make “tsk, tsk” sounds and then poked your gums a few times, which would hurt, and then after “tsking” a bit more, they’d tell you you needed a root canal.

Then they’d stick you with needles to numb you. In a minute, you’re so numb, you start drooling on yourself. Then they recline the chair and give you a root canal and send you home, drooling on yourself. Not anymore. Now, you go to a dentist and they say they think you need a root canal. Then they send you to a specialist who says “yep, you need a root canal.” Then they send you to another doctor, (she was very nice), and she does the root canal, and then they send you back to the first guy (who’s a bit of a character) so you can get a crown for your root canaled tooth.

This whole process takes, hmmm, let’s call it 18-24 weeks. Who knows, I lost track.

Don’t like to read? No worries, Victoria reads our email to you.

Anyway, I got these cool pictures of my teeth I can share with you. Now, if you look at the tooth on the left you see this crazy bunch of wires in it. And… if you look to the right you see a straight post in the tooth. Apparently, we don’t do the crazy wire thing anymore. The nice (young) dentist thought the other doctors where just messing with her.

Anyway, she wanted to get rid of the crazy wires and give me the straight posts. The other (older) doctor said, “Nay, it’s working just fine. Leave it alone. They both get the job done.”

Kind of like entertainment.

There it is… I really started this email thinking I’m just gonna have to admit I had nothing, but we are totally gonna get there.

You have your straight post entertainment. Hey, I can’t explain it, but some people love to watch cricket on TV, and you got crazy wire entertainment. That would be us.

Look, music nerds, movie geeks, comic book fans, sci fi and fantasy lovers, anyone who has watched way too many cartoons or who likes a little heavy metal served up with their classical music… need entertainment too. So they come to us for their artsy, cinematic songs and scores that do crazy awesome things to their favorite silent films.

Look, I gotta go floss, so you’re on your own now. Remember to floss. I’m just trying to save you 18-24 weeks of your life.

Dude, is that your tooth and what’s in it for me?
Stop drooling.

Bottomline it for me
– There’s no school like the old school
– 18-24 weeks!
– Floss cuz drooling is not attractive
– “Crazy wire teeth entertainment.” We’re putting it on the website

That’s it, I’m not gonna get all mushy.

See ya ~ Kevin

p.s. The website has never had a cavity. The socials drool even without having their gums numbed.

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