So, what do you get out of this? 
May 2, 2023


I get it.

Other than the unbridled joy you feel going to your inbox every Wednesday, and the lavish gifts that again, are found in your inbox on many Wednesdays, and the knowledge that if you’ve had an exhausting day on the world wide web, or if someone doesn’t appreciate your cat video on Insta the way they should, you can stop by the website or the socials and have what’s considered by many, to be the equivalent of an extra dry martini, shaken not stirred, and the ear of a very good listener who always says the right things, and lifts your spirits, and inspires you to go and make a better cat video.

Wow, I thought that sentence would never end. And before we continue, I may have to stop and make one of those aforementioned extra dry martinis.

Don’t like to read? Victoria reads this email to you!

You can’t really do “later that same day” in an email, other than to say “later that same day” which is lame. So, I’m going to include one of those “time passes” montages here.

But, I can’t find one, so you get this GIF of young ladies dancing in clocks, with is probably better.

And honestly, not that much time has passed really, and in order to avoid any judgement on “day drinking” I’m not going to let on that it’s only 2:43pm in New York. But it’s a Saturday, so I have time to sober up before our dinner guests arrive at 6.

But really… other than all that love, and gifts and good listening, what’s in it for you?

I’m glad you asked that, cuz… I got you something. I know. You’re right, I shouldn’t have, but I feel bad that I only made enough martinis for me and I would be a terrible host if I didn’t send you home with something. And not only something, but a something you get to pick!

I mean, you came all this way and you deserve a treat, so… go ahead. Pick one.


Go ahead. Knock yourself out. What could possibly go wrong?

DUDE, is that a martini and what’s in it for me?
It’s 6 o’clock somewhere.

Bottomline it for me
– Cat videos are still very popular
– Love, gifts and good listening, delivered to your inbox every Wednesday
– We need a “later that day” emoji
– Cake or Eat It Too? It’s one of life’s questions that keeps you up at night.
– Why is the internet spinning?

That’s it, I’m not gonna get all mushy.
See ya ~ Kevin

p.s. The website infuses their martinis with some fancy liquor. The socials serve vodka shots in broken cups.

p.p.s. Whenever you’re ready, here are some more cool ways you can play along:
– ​Subscribe to our YouTube Channel. Check it out. They’re pictures, and they move!
​- Like us on Facebook and Instagram. Just one mouse click can help our self esteem.
​- Visit the Shop.You don’t have to buy anything. The boss likes it if we look busy.
​- Share the newsletter. Our wacky hi-jinx are for everyone (well, maybe not everyone).



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