Black Friday Sucks 🤑
50% is lame. They’re not even trying.
That’s why you get the New AliƧin Soundtrack CD
Look, we don’t get super excited all that often, but we are super excited about the soundtrack to our new multimedia mashup AliƧin. And… we want you to take us home with you (but not in a creepy way).
That’s why we’re offering it to you FOR FREE 🤑
Just help us cover the cost of shipping and handling.
The CD is just like taking the singers, musicians and all the awesomely crazy immersive multimedia of our live show home with you, only… you don’t have to feed everybody.
50% is lame.
Get the new AliƧin Soundtrack CD FOR FREE 🤑
Just help us cover the shipping and handling, and we put this in a really nice envelope and send it to you. FOR FREE!
50% is so… 2012
And the AliƧin Soundtrack is
the best FREE thing ever!
Why? Cuz it has…
👍🏻 13 Kick-Ass Tracks
👍🏻 Words. Yep… every song has it’s own words!
👍🏻 Beautiful album artwork so your life can be filled with nice things.
👍🏻 Is Kid Friendly (mostly:-) so you don’t worry about being a bad parent
👍🏻 Is 100% original so you can enjoy fresh, new kick-ass entertainment.
Just help us with the shipping and handling
and get the new AliƧin Soundtrack CD FOR FREE 🤑
🤑 Stop worrying about getting The Best Black Friday Deal, because
It’s sorta like getting free money in the mail (but to be clear, we’re not sending you free money in the mail).
The CD is like taking the live performance home with you and… we don’t track dirt on your beautiful carpet!
50% sucks.
Click the button and brag about how you got THE BEST BLACK FRIDAY DEAL EVER on the new AliƧin Soundtrack CD, cuz you got it FOR FREE 🤑 (with that shipping and handling thing).