Time to party like it’s 1974
May 6, 2024


Time to party like it’s 1974

That’s been my big contribution to my upcoming 50th High School Reunion. Okay, that and a few videos, a little copy, a David Bowie remix and some social media posting. What can I say? I’m a giver.

Hey, you do what you can and… honestly, it means I get to hang all the fun “bling” on the festivities and… I get to avoid any of the heavy lifting –Β  organizing, emailing, decorating – you know… the adult stuff.

It all started with an email from the alumni office, so I knew I was in trouble. I have been living in fear all these years that they were finally gonna realize they were missing that library book. I honestly had no idea where it had gotten to, and a 50 year old library fine was gonna put a real crimp in my retirement plans. So, when I didn’t read anything like “It has come to our attention…” I was so grateful, and just wrote back “yes.”

When they wrote back to me they thanked me for being so eager to help plan our 1974 class reunion. I would be getting an email from the dude they had wrangled into heading up the committee. I wondered what kind of dirt they had on him, and then jokingly wrote back that I hoped he wasn’t still mad about me stealing his prom date.

We all laughed, or really, we LOL’d cuz it was an email.

Don’t like to read? Victoria reads our email to you!

So, the head reunion committee dude and I had a Zoom call, and as I sat there desperately trying to remember what this guy looked like in high school, he says to me, “You know Kevin, you taught me a very valuable lesson in high school.”

Yeah… so now I am starting to freak out a little.

“Oh?” I said, hoping I wasn’t making that “cringy” face. You know, the one you make when you know you’re about to get hit with something like the ACME ANVIL.

“He who hesitates is lost.” was his reply.

Now I’m really freaking out. “Well, that’s kind of… uh… how in the world did I convey that particular lesson to you?” I said, really hoping it wasn’t about the library book.

“I waited too long, and you asked Stacy Rosenblum to the prom before I did.”

So… yeah, I really had stolen his prom date 😳

You can’t make this stuff up.

Now… what the hell does a party with a room full of people who have embarrassingly tried to squeeze back into their tie dyes and bell bottoms have to do with the immersive, interactive experiences we create? Or with the AliΖ§in fulldome and planetarium experience we’re introducing to festivals this summer in Europe? Or even the online Fate Still Rests murder mystery music experience?

I’m glad you asked.

People always say stuff like that and “good question” when they are vamping to buy a little time to come up with an answer. Works in print too.

He / she / they that hesitates, really is lost. That 50 year high school anniversary of yours is gonna be here before you know it, so… don’t wait… ask Stacy to the prom.

Victoria and I are trying a lot of new stuff these days. Is it gonna work? Who the hell knows. But, we’re asking. Hey, Stacy may say “no,” but at least she won’t say “You missed your chance, Kevin already asked me” or worse, “The prom was last week. You totally missed out.”

Okay, that wasn’t said perfectly, but you know what I mean.

I think I summed it up pretty well at the end of our reunion social media posts.

“Don’t miss it… β€˜cuz chances of a 100th class reunion are slim and none.

Just sayin’.

Time to party like it’s 1974.

Okay, that’s it. I’m not gonna get all mushy.
See ya ~ Kevin

p.s. The website has decorated the gym in a lovely “Enchantment Under the Sea” theme. The socials are sitting in the parking lot with a keg.



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