Look I know most of you realize that I’m not a giant Harvey-like white rabbit obsessed with checking his watch the way most people check their Insta feed.
Well, maybe some of you realize that…

I do understand the confusion. I am tall, a pretty dapper dresser and my hair is white. I’ve also been known to “cut a rug” now and again which covers that hopping thing….but it’s time people. It’s time to rip off that Band-Aid and reveal the man behind the curtain or the man and the woman behind the curtain, or really, all the people behind the curtain.

And the best way to do that is to just sit you down and tell you the truth.
But I’m not gonna do that.
If I spent the whole rest of this whole email bursting your bubble and destroying all your fantasies about the giant rabbit at the other end of the email you wait for every week, what kind of person would I be?
So, unlike the cruel way my parents broke the news to me about Santa Claus, I’m gonna ease you into it. Slowly, patiently… pretty much the opposite of the soul-crushing way my parents ruined their eldest child’s hopes and dreams.

But how? You say with that worried look in your eyes that’s making me really uncomfortable.
By taking you behind the curtain. Yep. We’re gonna show you how the sausage is made, and take you on a journey of how we take these immersive and interactive shows from crazy-ass idea to crazy-ass live experience.
You’re feeling better about Christmas already, huh?

So let’s talk about AliƧin, shall we?
As you should be painfully aware, after Lord knows how many emails I’ve sent you, AliƧin is our newest immersive and interactive show. After taking The Ultimate AliƧin Wonderland Tour, you should have a pretty good handle on what story we’re telling

Only, we’re not telling THAT story. That story’s sweet and all, but we felt it was our job, nay, duty to tell you the real story.
Paying attention? Good, cuz that’s where I’m leaving it for today.
Except for this. We’re gonna video all our meetings from now on. It sounds a little creepy, and we’ll cut out all the pole dancing parts. Unless you’re into that. What am I saying? Of course you’re into that.
Are gonna start at the beginning. Seriously? Anybody can do that.
We’re gonna start here… on this video.
Where is “here”? I have no idea, but next week we’ll pull back the curtain a little more and figure out where the hell “here” is.
Dude, what is an immersive and interactive show, and what’s in it for me.
If you’d stop staring at my fuzzy white tail for just one second, you’d know!
Bottomline it for me
I’m not a giant Harvey-like white rabbit
I am a dapper dresser white hair
I’m ripping the Band-aid for your own good
Christmas is the saddest time of year
Any dope can start at the beginning
That’s it. I’m not gonna get all mushy.
See ya ~ Kevin
p.s. The website still believes in Santa Claus. You’ll leave it that way if you know what’s good for you. The socials? A picture’s worth a thousand words