The TINK Neverland Adventure


Congratulations. It’s easy to miss the turn at the second star to the right, but you found your way to The Never.

What’s TINK about?

TINK had to kick a few butts before she got The Never shipshape. But eventually, the pirates traded pillaging for dance lessons, the Indians stopped playing their drums after 11 p.m. and the Lost Boys agreed that at least one of them would take a bath every week.

Everything was perfect… until “she” showed up.

What’s this song about?

But, like most stories, we’re gonna start at the very beginning (a very good place to start). The place? London, England. The time? Bedtime. What’s happening? Nana, the dog and nursemaid of the Darling Children  is trying to get the little troublemakers to bed.

More on that tomorrow…

PAY WHAT YOU WANT Soundtrack Offer

Now you can get the TINK Soundtrack for the low, low price of… PAY WHAT YOU WANT

We want you to have this music – no matter what. So, order the TINK Soundtrack today, and