The TINK Neverland Adventure


I cry every time I hear this song (and I’ll deny it if you ever tell anyone I said that).

What’s going on?

The Pan – you know, the boy who won’t grow up – well, like all kids he loses stuff, but he goes and loses his shadow.

How can you even do that?

He loses his shadow in a sock drawer in the Darling’s house. Which is a weird place to lose a shadow, but Peter breaks into the Darling kid’s bedroom, recovers his shadow and… then he can’t figure out how to stick it back on (don’t look at *me*).

His crying wakes up Wendy Darling, and the song is about what Wendy is feeling as she sews Peter’s shadow back on. I’m pretty proud of the “double entendre” of the lyrics, and the performance by Victoria always melts my heart.

No, I just have something in my eye.

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