How is a Planetarium like a Solar Eclipse?
April 6, 2024


How is a Planetarium like a Solar Eclipse?

Planetarium Update!!

We just bought our tickets!! We’ve never been to the Czech Republic and Prague is supposed to be beautiful, and Brno is fun to spell! We’re excited to be going to one of the top rated Fulldome/Planetarium Festivals in the world! That, and Brno is apparently a nicely run festival with lots of buyers, bookers, and planetarium executives that we can excite about our fulldome version of AliƧin!

If you haven’t seen the trailer for our AliƧin planetarium/fulldome show – check it out. We have an amazing team (they make us look good), and Victoria and I are very proud of what we’ve created. It’s 60 seconds and will definitely put a smile on your face. HERE IT IS!

Don’t like to read? Victoria reads this email to you!

Okay, that’s it. I’m not gonna get all mushy.

See ya ~ Kevin

p.s. The website always encourages you to look up. The socials think the world is flat.



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